Say No To Racism

Why Racism?

At present, no doubt race is still a major issue now. No need to look at other countries, in our own country there is still practicing racism. Why? Does your race is superior than other races?

Indeed, God is Just. Every man, no matter what race, color, origin of the lineage, there must be advantages and disadvantages of each.

Let us look at racial issues from the view of Islam. Islam is the pre-Islamic era, which at the time when it practiced racial society is quite fierce. The battle between the Byzantines and the state government in the north of Babylon was also partly due to racism.

The arrival of the Prophet Muhammad brought the message to eliminate the problem of racism. Sure there are Muslimin and Muslimat know and be acquainted with Bilal bin Rabah, a black slave and looked down upon by the Arabs at that time? Why Prophet Muhammad lifted him from the slave to the muazzin at the time?

This was followed by the Caliph Umar al-Khattab. His consent to the local population who are Christians living in Al Quds. Not only that, he recalled the Jews to settle in the holy city, which was driven out by the government of Rome and Persia before Islam appeared.

This reminds me of our first Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman Al Haj. He tried hard to eliminate these racial issues during the early years of Malaya. And he was almost success. Have we ever wondered why the incident occurred May 13? Who is the mastermind behind the event?

If we see here, the issue of racism is not applicable in modern times now, but there has been a long time again. How Prophet Muhammad successfully completed the racism problem in his time? Why not now? Why do not we take the history of Islam as a guide to solve this problem? Where is the wisdom of the world leaders who really want to see these issues can be controlled?

If you are anti-racist, download this badge as a sign of your support. Do not just say yes, but implement it.
Copy this code to your website to display this badges!

Together we say: No to Racism.

P/s : What other religious opinions on racial issues? Feel ease to share it with us here. TQ...

Related Article Malaysian Insider, and Abidfana.

What you love about the Blackberry Torch 9800

Tersebutlah kisah ibu dan anak kat umah..Si anak, Min tengah baca blog mengenai Blackberry Torch 9800 yang baru diperkenalkan di Malaysia baru-baru ini..

Min (dengan dahi yang berkerut sambil membaca artikel dalam internet)
Mak : Min..tolong mak jap kat dapur nih..
Min : Jap..tengah baca cerita panas ni..lagi panas dari lauk mak masak tu..

Mak pun datang dengan gaya kepoh nyer...

Mak : Ye ke? artis mana yang kena cekup tu?

Min (sambil menjeling mak dia)

Min : Mak ni kan, kalau pasal gosip, laju je..ade je point  ngumpat time meeting persatuan surirumah2 nanti.

Mak : Ala Min ni, tak spoting la..Min baca apa tu, khusyuk je mak tengok.

Min : Ni haa, Blackberry baru... baru je keluar... ingat nak satu la giler..

Mak : Laa, kan ada lam peti ais tu..nak satu mende nyer..ambik je lam peti ais tu..

Min : Mak ni sengal la..tu la asyik p meeting persatuan je..Ni handphone la mak...

Mak : Ooo...kalau blackberry tu mak tau la..ape yang best sangat ngan phone tu?

Min : Blackberry Torch 9800 ni guna sistem operasi Blackberry 6 yang paling latest nyer version la kiranya, dengan pelbagai fungsi baru siap dengan interface yang best dengan kata lain "Sylo"

Mak : Sylo tu mak tau, sebab ni mak ni kiranya paling stylo lam taman ni..kekeke

Min : Perasan la pulak makcik ni...Ok, selain tu, blackberry ni kira yang first pakai touch screen 3.2 inch full dan keyboard dalam masa yang sama. Satu lagi, ni slide nyer handphone..lagi la Stylo...

Yang syok nyer lagi, biasanya phone takleh tengok Youtube guna Blackberry Torch 9800 ni..Kalau dah Youtube leh tengok, website lain pun apatah lagi kan..Facebook, Twitter, Nuffnang, nak update blog pun senang. Takyah nak guna laptop atau komputer lagi dah..

Mak : Hindustan leh tengok tak?
Min : Ish...mak ni kan..kita tengah serius, dia leh lak pikir Hindustan..
Mak : Abis tu, Min nak mak pikir ape nyer..tu je lah mak tau...
Min : Mak pikir la, camne nak pujuk Abi untuk beli Blackberry ni..mak satu, Min satu..
Blackberry ni guna MicroSD 8G, boleh expend sampai 32G..Boleh la mak letak lagu Hindustan mak tu banyak2 lam phone nanti. Mak dengar la 24jam.

Mak : Erm...mau botak kepala Abi kau tu nanti..Mesti mahal..2 lak tu..Duit emas yang mak beli ngan Bai Bangali tu pun lom abis bayar lagi..Abi mesti tak nak nyer lah..

Min : Sapa nak beli 2 ketul terus, memang la botak mak..dah la Abi tu makin berkilat atas dia, kang makin berkilat kalau beli terus..
Camni, Mak pujuk la Abi amik plan Celcom Exec 50. Bayar bulan, murah. Mak leh la call ahli-ahli persatuan mak tu jugak..kekeke...
Lagi satu, plan Celcom Exec 50 ada diskaun tiap2 bulan...Diskaun sampai 30% tu mak..Mega Sale pun takleh buat..Call seminit baru 15sen..Part paling best, broadband FREEE sebulan tuu....Mak tengok kat sini

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Bukan ape, nak browse internet guna Blackberry Torch 9800 ni laju, dan senang nak manage die nyer multiple tab.

Mak : Menarik bunyi nyer buat mak terasa nak ni...Jap, Blackberry tu leh amik gambar tak?
Min : Mak ni kan, mesti berangan tadi..Kan Min dah kata, phone ni Stylo..mesti la boleh..5MP lagi tu..siap ada Flash..boleh amik time, ada 11 mode untuk amik gambar. Video pun leh amik gak...

Mak : Malam pun boleh amik? Cam menarik je..kekeke
Min : Makkk....jangan buat kerja tak senonoh mak..sekarang ni, camne nak pujuk Abi nih...
Mak : Takpe, itu serah pada mak, tapi Min kena tolong mak untuk menjayakan pakatan ni..Boleh?
Min : Ala...
Mak : Nak Blackberry Torch 9800 tak?
Min : Nak..yelah2 Min tolong la ni..

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